Nathan Moshkowski
Nathan is the Pastor and founder of Vision Church. His heart is to reveal Jesus to the world because if they truly knew Him they would be changed into His glorious design. Being filled with the Holy Spirit at 21 yrs old ruined any chance of a normal life so he desires a supernatural life with Christ where the Kingdom of Heaven is on earth. Having a Fathers heart he makes room for Gods children to grow and thrive supernaturally. He wants everyone to reveal Jesus where they are by believing in a divine assignment. We are called to disciple nations so let's start with Cortland.

Kerri Moshkowski
Worship Director
Kerri is passionate about worship and desires the presence of God in every meeting. Being directed on what to sing and following the Holy Spirit for direction is mandatory. She is empowering others to lead people into the presence of Jesus.

Elizabeth Moshkowski
Children's Director
Elizabeth is a mother to all children and believes in their ability to be more than kids. She see's them for their potential and greatness as made in the image of God. She is a school teacher in the public system. She loves Jesus and wants everyone to have a personal relationship with the Holy Spirit so they are living with power.
Debby Mccormick
Hospitality and Cafe
The Hospitality leader has the care of guests and serving their needs. This team connects with people in a hospitable way so they feel loved and seen. They work the cafe and try to follow up with friends we have not seen in a while.
Julie Knowlton
Host Coordinator
The host team coordinates events , cleans and facilitates the flow of people where ever we meet by setting up and tearing down the spaces. We must care for our spaces because people are there to meet Jesus.

Theresa Wolf
Next Steps
The NEXT STEPS coordinator plugs people into the church who are guests and newly saved so they are connected to our Community. We have many groups and teams they can plug into.
Production Team
Media Coordinator
The production team oversees the sound board, pro presenter, service recording and live streaming.
Media Team
The media team handles photography, social media posts, website and app controls with public communication.
BASIC is our college ministry on cortland state campus with a mission of making disciples of Jesus. Their vision statement is to have revival on college campuses. The coordinator oversees meetings and maintains the local church connection for students to maintain healthy spirituality.
The prayer team takes requests through our app and manages the prayer times. So that we are under the influence of the kingdom of heaven where we want heaven on earth.
Youth Ministry
The youth ministry is the doorway to a new generation for Christ that bridges the school systems and the career fields. They are evangelists for their generation.